A How-to-Guide to Getting Through the Day and Enjoying Your Weekend

Welcome! My name is Tai. I am a new mother who is in the process of building a website/organization for young mothers.

Objective: Jeans and Coffee is a website for the everyday mom who needs suggestions on where to get a quick coffee fix, an inexpensive pair of cute jeans, and in-the-know about weekend hot spots. Don't leave out the kids, because we don't. We also offer advice on parenting, information about learning toys that help develop your child's mind, and cool arts and craft ideas that are easy to do with your little ones. Whether spending a night out on the town or snuggled up with a good book, we've got just what you need!

Although, the main focus of this website/organization is geared towards mothers, there is something for everyone.

I hope to one day become recognized for the great contributions that this organization will offer. My plan is to give back, through workshops that focuses on issues concerning Education, Women empowerment, Political issues, and Health. My vision is to help other mothers become better women, mothers, and leaders. I thank you for your support. Enjoy!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Something to Think About...

What's now Before you rush away from this moment, take a look around and see its beauty. Instead of worrying about what's next, see the immense value that's already yours in what's now.
Savor the time you're in and the place where you are. Appreciate all that you have instead of being obsessed with how to get more.

You are already wealthy beyond all measure. Open your eyes to now, open your heart to purpose, and experience in rich detail the miracle that is your life.

There's nothing to be gained by racing furiously away from this moment in search of more. Instead, put your energy into accepting all that is and you'll find it is more than enough.

Put your focus, care, love, attention, interest, curiosity, purpose and passion into where you are right now. This is your time and place to live, to achieve, to feel, to learn and to experience.

Everything you are, you are right now. Be here and live the richness.

Ralph Marston
"Good, Better, Best, Never let it rest. Till your good gets better and your better gets best!"

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